BACK TO NAVIGATION ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE A SNAPSHOT 279 tonnes CO2 e Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and On-site combustion 35,572 tonnes CO2 e Purchased Electricity and Green Tariff Emissions 1,773,778kg Paper Consumed 1.9 T C02 e per head 4.2 T C02 e per head 10.4% 2017 2.2 T C02 e per head for total travel 2.2 T C02 e per head for flights only 41,083 tonnes CO2 e Total Travel (Air, Taxis, Hire Cars, Personal and Company Vehicles) TOTAL 76,934 tonnes CO2 e 97 kg per head 1.3% 2017 1.9% 2017 9% 2017 1.8% 2017 BACK TO NAVIGATION