49 BACK TO NAVIGATION CODE OF CONDUCT 2017 AusLSA Member Performance This year, eighty-six percent of participating AusLSA members chose to publicly provide their sustainability report. This participation rate is up from eighty-three percent last year despite the substantial expansion in the levels and scope of information collected over the last three years. Thirty seven percent of member firms promoted their AusLSA produced report on their own websites which increased nine percent from only twenty-eight percent last year (an additional ten percent of firms have advised they are preparing to publicise their report in 2019). Only thirty percent of firms provided addition sustainability reporting publicly this year. There has been no growth in the number of firms collecting and publishing additional standalone reporting of their sustainability and corporate citizenship despite thirteen percent of firms indicating they intended to begin expanded reporting in last year’s report. Challenges and Opportunities AusLSA member law firms have greatly increased the scope, depth and communication of their sustainability reporting over the last three years through participation in the AusLSA annual Sustainability Insight. The AusLSA report is carefully compiled and designed to suit a diverse audience of stakeholders. However, only thirty one percent of firms have benefitted by promoting their involvement in the AusLSA report through their own communications including the promotion on their websites or communications with customers or employees. Firms need to increase the profile of their involvement to enjoy greater advantages from their public sustainability reporting. AusLSA’s voluntary report is also designed to allow a common approach to reporting that is appropriate to a wide range of different firm types and sizes. This sometimes limits the amount of detail and depth that can be provided across the areas covered. Firms should consider an expanded collection and profiling their own information about their commitments and performance of specific sustainability programs and initiatives. This provides additional depth of information that is tailored to their specific priorities and audiences. Some firms choose to do this by developing a standalone corporate social responsibility style report but increased information can also be simply incorporated throughout relevant sections of their own website. SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING UNDERTAKEN 0 2 4 6 8 Separate CSR report published CSR commitments, targets & performance on website CSR commitments on website Environmental commitments on website Number of firms