51 BACK TO NAVIGATION CODE OF CONDUCT economy from forced labour. Modern slavery is most prevalent Asia and the Pacific region. Sixty-two percent of all people enslaved, or twenty-five million people in Asia-Pacific Region are ‘enslaved’ including 4,300 people in Australia. In June 2018 the NSW Government passed legislation to address how the products we use In Australia contribute to ongoing modern slavery around the world. Similar legislation has been prepared by the Federal Government and is understood to have broad support from both sides of parliament and business and is now before the Senate. It is understood the associated regulations will be similar to those required in the UK where businesses over a certain turnover must provide a public Modern Slavery Statement, reporting on all potential modern slavery risks and practices in their operations and supply chains, including slavery, human trafficking, servitude, forced labour and forced marriage. The statement must also outline actions taken to address modern slavery risks in their own supply chains. 2018 AusLSA Member Performance Only half of AusLSA members currently have a program or policy to address the sustainability impacts that occur as a result of the products and services they procure; however, ninety-three percent of these firms have now applied these standards to their existing suppliers as well as when establishing new contracts. Of the fifty percent of firms with sustainable supply chain programs, environmental considerations were most popular with all firms considering them in their procurement. The next most popular elements were human rights, labour equity and fair dealing issues which featured in eighty percent of firm’s procurement choices. Gender equity issues were considered by seventy-three percent of firms while indigenous inclusion was less common with only sixty percent of firms seeking goods and services from indigenous suppliers. Challenges and Opportunities For Sustainable Supply Chain Management practices to be workable in the business sector they need to be operationally practical and financially viable in addition to being ethically preferable. Sustainable supply chain management is still a relatively new practice in Australia and information about the sustainability impacts or products and the options for more sustainable alternatives is incomplete and often difficult to find and interpret. Making sustainable procurement a practical and low risk commitment for law firms requires an investment in better information about current products and suppliers as well as more sustainable alternatives. Law firms can begin by researching and adopting the most applicable and beneficial sustainability certifications for the most significant products they use. Like other areas of sustainability this process is a journey that requires commitment, leadership and innovation. It’s a challenge made easier by customers like law firms working together and with suppliers to share information, systems and tools to collect and evaluate the sustainability of the products and services. This cooperation needn’t be limited to the legal sector. Many of the products and services used by the legal sector are identical to those used more broadly in commerce and government. The Australian Government’s expected Modern Slavery legislation and regulations will require most AusLSA members to develop new systems to research, understand manage their supply chain for modern slavery risks. AusLSA will work with members to share resources and information and look at the opportunities to develop tools to better manage this process. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Environment Fair operating practices Health and Safety UN Global Compact Consumer issues Community support Indigenous inclusion Gender equality Human rights Labour rights SUPPLY CHAIN STANDARDS