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Carbon Offsetting

  • 18 June 2014 12:03 PM | Anonymous member

    Carbon Neutral -


    Carbon Offsetting

    Carbon Neutral provides offsets that range in price from $2 per tonne upward of $30, including tree planting and accredited carbon offsets (VCUs). The cost range of or offsets is dependent on project type and there are substantial discounts on volume (usually applicable for tonnages of >150 t).

    Plant-A-Tree Program

    Tree planting on behalf of an organisation is a simple way to maximise a firm’s environmental status, and demonstrates a real commitment to the environment to its customers.

    Carbon Neutral offers biodiverse conservation plantings using native Australian trees and shrubs. While there is a place for monoculture planting, the advantage of biodiverse planting is that it helps to keep the environment in natural balance. The trees and shrubs we plant sequester carbon dioxide, and biodiversity, address issues such as salinity and soil erosion, and provide habitat for the endangered Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo, Malleefowl and other threatened flora and fauna.


    Carbon Neutral’s Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor is Australia's largest biodiverse reforestation carbon sink with over 9,000 ha of mixed native species planted since 2007.  Carbon Neutral is leading this important reforestation project, with more than 18 million native trees and shrubs already planted.  The plantings are also protected by a 100-year Carbon Rights and Carbon Covenant.

    With a minimum annual commitment of either 23 tonnes (min. $480.70 [incl. GST]), based on our Australian biodiverse native forestry offsets, or 160 trees (min $484.00 [incl. GST]) plus a fee of $150 [incl. GST], a firm automatically becomes a Carbon Neutral's Green SupporterThis entitles the firm to usage of our sought-after Carbon Neutral logo in marketing materials and on its website.

  • 15 April 2014 4:04 PM | Anonymous member

    Climate Friendly 
    is offering 
    AusLSA Members 
    great discounts on 
    Carbon Offsetting

    The price per tonne of carbon is significantly discounted for AusLSA Members and there are also volume discounts available that make it even cheaper. 

    AusLSA Members can aggregate their carbon emissions to access the volume discounts. 

    To enquire about opportunities to aggregate with other AusLSA Members please contact AusLSA directly.

    Contact Justin Pilgrim at Climate Friendly for a no obligation chat. 

    Justin Pilgrim | Business Development Manager

    Climate Friendly Pty Ltd

    Suite 3-04, 60 Leicester St, Carlton VIC 3053

    M +61 434 707 029 | F +61 2 8221 9895

    Email | 

    Skype justin_pilgrim1


    [Click to download as PDF]

  • 10 April 2014 5:25 PM | Anonymous member

    Webinar: Offsetting Travel Emissions

    An introduction to offsets, the opportunities and benefits of offsets and the regulatory framework involved.
    • Justin Pilgrim (Climate Friendly) presents an overview of offsetting and the projects available to offset using their FlightPortal program (which connects with your Travel Management Company)
    • Alex Stathakis (CitySwitch Queensland) describes the regulatory framework under the National Carbon Offset Standard and highlights that ticking the carbon offset box when booking a flight is worthwhile.
    Recorded on 3 April 2014.

    Note: there were a few technical glitches with this webinar and there are one or two continuity issues.Apologies for this distraction. 


  • 09 January 2013 3:58 PM | Anonymous member

    Carbon Offset Guide (Australia)

    The Carbon Offset Guide is an independent directory of Australian carbon offset providers developed through a partnership between Low Carbon Australia, EPA Victoria and the University of Queensland. It is an important resource for businesses, government agencies, NGOs and individuals seeking information about carbon offsets.

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