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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

AusLSA Sustainability Champions Networks

AusLSA has established Sustainability Champions Networks in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney and Brisbane. See the Events page to register for the next meeting. 
Staff who identify as Sustainability/Environment Champions at AusLSA Member law firms are encouraged to attend. 

Discussion forums for each network are (or will be) established. You can subscribe to your network forum to participate and contribute to discussions. 
Click on the link below and then 'Subscribe to Forum'.

AusLSA Sustainability Champions Networks
General Terms of Reference


To establish a regular forum where legal staff who have some responsibility to implement sustainability initiatives can freely discuss and share ideas, experiences and hints to overcoming barriers. 

Group Operation

The following outlines how the group will operate:
  • We will meet once per quarter 
  • The meetings (and lunch) will be hosted by members of the group.
  • Volunteers to host the next meeting will be sought at each meeting.
  • Membership of the group will be limited to legal firm staff
  • The Chatham House Rule applies
  • The host will be invited (but not required) to conduct a brief site tour of their firm’s facilities (focussing on sustainability initiatives and challenges).
  • Although, generally, discussion will be free-flowing, we will have a standing agenda item of issues to discuss at the next meeting.
  • Where appropriate guests with specialist knowledge may be invited to attend. For example, people with knowledge about lighting, plumbing, paper. Group members are encouraged to identify specialist topics of interest and/or guest speakers.
  • The host of each meeting will prepare a brief note after the meeting to capture an interesting aspect of the meeting that will be published (after approval from the group) on an AusLSA website blog (for members only).

Sustainability Champions Updates

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