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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

Staff Engagement

  • 07 July 2014 5:15 PM | Anonymous member

    Jason Clarke, from Minds at Work, presented at TEDx Perth on how to get people to embrace change. An inspiring and enthusiastic speaker!

  • 11 March 2014 12:34 PM | Anonymous member

    Fun & Games on the move: How to encourage eco behavioral change at the touch of a smart phone

    Launching today, eco action games are ecstatically proud to announce the release a mobile App to celebrate Climate Week 2014. A free download is available from iTunes for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.


    Social enterprise eco action games, is launching its first, totally free to play (no In-App Purchases ever, and that’s a promise), online casual game exclusively in the Apple store.

    We have taken the traditional, old-style top trump style game and given it a 21st century make-over, digitizing it and adding some fun new features. It’s not only an addictive, simple game to pass the time; it also houses a clever behavioral change tool that encourages players to take action based on the ‘cards’ in the pack, showing them just how much they can save, via their own personal ‘eco action’ dashboard.

    It’s simplicity itself to master. Once you have set up your own eco avatar, you browse the eco actions to see which ones you already do, or would like to adopt. You then choose them for your own ‘actions dashboard’ and marvel at all the energy, carbon emissions, resources and money you will save!

    You then take on one of three online opponents in a choice of two trump style games. After challenging them to ‘eco duels’ you can check how you rate on the Leaderboard.


    Themes will include: water saving, free behavioral actions, energy saving, waste & recycling, office related actions and even an eco-parenting theme.

    Founder and CFO (Chief Fun Officer) of eco action games, Dr Paula Owen, says: “People have been asking us for some time when are we going to digitize our games, well now we have! It will expand the reach of our games immensely, and we are very excited to get feedback from our players on how they get on trying to beat their online opponents.”

    She goes on to say: “Our objective is to keep the game completely free to use, with absolutely no In-App Purchases which we believe to be a real downside to online gaming. We want to unlock more eco themed packs, and continue the journey we are taking our players on. To achieve this we are looking for sponsors to help us develop new themed packs and to expand to Android and Windows smart phones. Sponsors will get their logo on the ‘packs’ and on the back of every ‘card’. They will also get the warm glow that comes of being part of a new, socially & environmentally beneficial new initiative.”

    New eco themed packs will include: water saving, free behavioral actions, energy saving, waste & recycling, office related actions and even an eco-parenting theme.

    From the 2 Degrees Community

  • 16 September 2013 4:16 PM | Anonymous member

    The eternal challenge with sustainability is getting people to change behaviour. How do you communicate with your staff to encourage and facilitate better habits and decision making?

    AusLSA is proud to announce the release the Staff Engagement Toolkit which provides AusLSA Members with a structured process for getting your colleagues on-board and is jam-packed with ideas, suggestions and resources that you can use to inspire and engage. 


    Start a green team
    A green champions group or network enables interested and motivated individuals to become involved in the firm’s environmental objectives. As an adjunct to driving change from the top of the firm, a green team allows a wider range of people to be involved in generating environmental ideas and solutions.

    The AusLSA Staff Engagement Toolkit provides guidance on how to establish a green team and take a more strategic approach to your firm's sustainability programs. 


    Contribute your ideas

    All the ideas and resource in the Toolkit were provided by the members of the AusLSA Staff Engagement Working Group. So, return the favour and take a moment to contribute your suggestions using the comments fields on the website. You could add:
    • your favourite engagement references and resources
    • ideas and suggestions for changing behaviour, and
    • anecdotes of the successful (and not so successful) sustainability initiatives you'be been involved in. 
    If all AusLSA Members contributed one idea, we would have another 46 resources we could use!


    Staff Engagement Working Group
    AusLSA would like to acknowledge the following Members of the Working Group for their time, contributions and enthusiasm:
    • Jason Molin, Clayton Utz 
    • Belinda King, Jackson McDonald
    • Emma Fitzgerald, Allens 
    • Jody Williams, Maddocks 
    • Emily McMillan, Stacks.
      Please contact AusLSA if you would like to join this Working Group. 
          Green Themes Program

      The Staff Engagement Working Group has also been busy developing the Green Themes, which is a program that focuses law firms sustainability initiatives on particular issues for a defined period. The program contains a a whole heap of ideas for campaigns that inspire and engage staff to be more sustainability aware. 

      The Green Themes Program will be launched at the AusLSA National Symposium in Sydney on 17 October. 
    • 05 August 2013 11:41 AM | Anonymous member

      Download the AusLSA HR Sustainability Checklist

      The HR Sustainability checklist provides a number of actions a human resource or practice manager may pursue to incorporate environmental sustainability values into the way the firm conducts its business.  

      The Checklist has been adapted with permission from the Strandberg Consulting Checklist.

    • 09 January 2013 1:41 PM | Anonymous member

      AusLSA Survey Summary: Environmental Sustainability Engagement

      In August 2012, the AusLSA Staff Engagement Working Group conducted a survey of AusLSA Members on their achievements and activities for engaging with staff on Environmental Sustainability (ES).

      Do firms have an ES 'champion'?

      • 74% of firms have an ES 'champion' with the majority of champions being Senior Managers, Directors or Partners
      • 9% of firms provide a means for senior management to engage with employees on ES issues

      Do firms have an Environmental Committee?

      • 61% of firms have an Environmental Committee that staff are encouraged to join
      • Pleasingly membership of these committees is generally spread evenly between fee-earners, support staff, senior management and partners

      How many firms include ES as part of their staff inductions, performance reviews and/or competency framework?

      • Only 39% of firms include ES in their new staff inductions
      • And only 10% of firms include ES in their performance reviews and/or competency framework

      Do firms promote and reward ES initiatives and positive outcomes?

      • Pleasingly 89% of firms promote ES initiatives and positive outcomes
      • However only 20% reward their staff for these positive outcomes

      How many firms provide an ES information portal and feedback suggestions?

      • 59% of firms have some form of information portal (intranet, newsletter)
      • Of these firms 71% of the information portals allow staff to provide feedback or suggestions

      Overall how do firms rate their current level of staff engagement for ES?

      The survey results highlight that further opportunities exist for most AusLSA Members to improve their ES staff engagement which will ultimately improve their overall ES program.

      The AusLSA Staff Engagement Working Group continues to develop useful tools which will help member firms along this journey, such as
      • A Human Resources Checklist that will help embed sustainability in an organisation
      • A 6 Step Toolkit with ideas and useful resources to assist with engaging employees on sustainability

      73% of AusLSA Members responded to the Staff Engagement Survey

    • 07 December 2012 1:28 PM | Anonymous member

      AusLSA Staff Engagement Survey

      AusLSA Members are encouraged to survey their staff to gauge their interest and attitudes to sustainability and how effectively law firms are engaging with their staff on sustainability issues. 

      You can:
      If you use the questions in your firms internal surveys, AusLSA would greatly appreciate received the responses generated to these questions.

      If you ask your staff to complete the AusLSA survey, we will provide you with the results. 
    • 12 September 2012 1:20 PM | Anonymous member

      Environmental sustainability and human resource management checklist

      The following checklist provides a number of actions a human resource or practice manager may pursue to incorporate environmental sustainability values into the way the firm conducts its business.

      Step 1 – Vision, mission, values and strategy

      • Develop/upgrade the firm’s vision, mission and values framework to incorporate environmental sustainability.
      • Involve employees in the development of the environmental sustainability strategy and the mission, vision, values framework of the firm.

      Step 2 – Codes of conduct

      • Incorporate the principles of environmental sustainability into the employee code of conduct.

      Step 3 – Workforce planning and recruitment

      • Evaluate the environmental sustainability skills of any current employees and incorporate environmental sustainability into recruitment programmes.
      • Incorporate environmental sustainability into employer brand and employee values.

      Step 4 – Orientation, training and competency development

      • Provide general environmental sustainability training and include elements in employee promotion and pathways.

      Step 5 – Compensation and performance management

      • Provide an informal rewards system which incorporates environmental sustainability values.
      • Integrate environmental sustainability into job descriptions, performance reviews and exit interviews.

      Step 6 – Change management and firm culture

      • Align environmental sustainability values and principles with any organisational change management programs.

      Step 7 – Employee involvement and participation

      • Promote events which raise employee awareness of environmental sustainability, including action which they may take at home, work and in the community.

      Step 8 – Environmental sustainability policy and programme development

      • Incorporate environmental sustainability policies and programmes in HR management, e.g. carbon footprint, employee volunteering.

      Step 9 – Employee communications

      • Communicate environmental sustainability objectives, plans and progress to employees.
      • Promote regular employee communication to raise awareness of environmental sustainability.

      Step 10 – Measurement, reporting and celebrating success

      • Include environmental sustainability performance measures into employee engagement services.
      • Measure and report on progress toward integration of environmental sustainability objectives.
      • Celebrate small wins and any major milestones.

      Adapted, with permission, from the publication 'Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Resource Management Checklist', copyright©2009 by Strandberg Consulting, Solution for a Sustainable World]
    • 04 July 2011 1:37 PM | Anonymous member
      Download a presentation from Charlie Knaggs (Net Balance) on his activities getting DLA Piper (UK) staff involved in sustainability. 

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