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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector


Environmental management and performance has been the cornerstone of AusLSA’s
mission since our inception.

While we have progressively expanded our management and reporting to include social and governance issues, environmental management is still a key element of our program.

Environmental reporting provides the majority of quantitative information included in our annual report.  Over the years AusLSA members firms have used this reporting to demonstrate their own progress as well as benchmark their results against other firms
to identify areas where they can improve.

The material impacts considered in our environment management include:

  • greenhouse gas emissions from office based consumption of electricity and gas;
  • greenhouse gas emissions from business travel;
  • greenhouse gas emissions from the use of refrigerants;
  • damage to forests and other ecosystems from the harvesting and production of paper used;
  • land degradation and resource wastage from the management of waste and recycling.

© 2018  |  Australian Legal Sector Alliance Limited  |  ABN 84 149 507 577  |  3/162 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000     |  T: 0425 454 171

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