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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

Gender Equality - Actions

Use this page from our website to find out more about how your firm can develop action plans to implement your Gender Equality strategy and measure its effectiveness. Included here are some tips you might like to consider and some additional research materials for you to use. Use the navigation buttons at the top of this page.

The change process in involved in the development and implementation of a gender equality program is an iterative process that follows the same steps as any other change/implementation program, in that it is a 'Plan', 'Do', Check', 'Act' process.

WGEA describe this process as 'Analyse', 'Design', 'Implement' and Review, however this is an iteration of the same type of continuous improvement process.

The planning phase of this process will driven by the desire of your firm to implement a gender equality program, and build an appropriate strategy and policy  (see the 'Strategy section of this website).

The 'doing' step considers the implementation of the strategy and must include

  • training to those within your organisation who will be responsible for implementation and to ensure that they feel confident and have the organisation authority to respond to issues;
  • regular organisational communication at both internal and external levels as appropriate
  • mechanisms to respond to roadblocks or obstacles experienced along the way

Regular monitoring and evaluation of your firm's progress is critical to the success of the implementation of the strategy, and is considered in the 'Check' phase, where we monitor, evaluate and review. Here we ask ourselves if we have achieved the objectives of our strategy, and whether or not there are any actions that we should stop, start or change.

If your firm is yet to embrace a gender equality strategy, we would recommend you to the comprehensive guidelines from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, where a step by step series of suggested guidelines are provided.

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