b"FPA PATENT ATTORNEYS BACK TO NAVIGATIONOUR PEOPLE SIVE W OR K NTAL M USE GAS E OUR ENVIRONMENTSUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:C L U P L A NDER EQUALI M E A N A NHO MISSI SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: C G E T Y N G EE O NN E E R We regularly review all operations to reduce waste I D O GROSS SI POLICY L POLICY R M G and promote recycling. V G I INITIATIVES: 243t3.7t/employeeVE B E During this last year, we developed a Corporate R TEarth HourS I INITIATIVES:NI Q N Social Responsibility initiative, highlighting the T +Gender sensitive promotion and recruitment POLICY 0.00% 0.00% 0.09% various sustainability programs currently in place Y PUBLISHEDET SCOPE 0.23tInternal networks or committeesInternational INITIATIVES: Women's DayStructured female advancementONE 0.09% and being developed across the organisation. ATraining - LGBTIQ+ awareness programTraining - Gender inclusion corporate social responsibility committee was also unconscious bias and inclusion IN DEVT established to proactively progress the variousGender sensitive recruitment POLICY 30% 53% 85% 40% 0.00% initiatives such as ewaste disposal of legacy FEMALE FEMALE FEMALE SCOPE 96t computers and other IT hardware.GENDERTWO 40%EQUITY PRINCIPALS LEGALNON-LEGAL 0.07t/m2 0.00t/m2 One year on, the introduction of electronic files, PUBLISHED TARGET STAFF STAFF combined with the significant impact of remote O GICAL W E L P E R U S A G 60% 0.71% working, has led to the substantial reduction in our O L L A E SCOPE 2t/empoy 3t/emplo 146t overall usage of paper consumption. The necessity INITIATIVES: B P THREE 60% of remote working due to Covid-19 has resulted in H CERTIFICATION: 2. e e 0 .0 eCPsychological support/EAP EPEFC l y e the entire FPA workforce working from home YMental Health Awareness MonthI N throughout most of 2020. Facilitating this changing SMental health first aid training andL WEL 773kg 100% NET workforce, with the use of MS Teams and other supportMental Health Champion/G I C A L BP ManagerResilience and StressS E kg/e plo ycled con 243t3.7t/employee electronic collaboration tools, has had important I 1 1 RManagement TrainingR U OK? DayY m e e n t positive impacts for both our people and the INITIATIVES: N 9 y e c t e.H G environment. Remote working has positively programsSalary continuanceP Discount health insurancecontributed to the environment and decreased POLICYErgonomicsGym membershipsFitness andE CYCLIN energy consumption because of the temporary STAFFwellbeing awareness and promotion G cessation of the daily commute to work and local SURVEYS Flu vaccinationsFruit boxes 2020 AusLSA R OFFICES and international travel. We see this as having anProactive health checksTeam events participationWork based physicalSUSTAINABILITY PROFILE100% 100% ongoing positive effect as we move towards fitness designing what the FPA workforce and workplace E W O POLICY will be in Covid Normal and beyond.I B L R K PX L A 100% 100%STAFF L E INITIATIVES: C SURVEYS FCareer break/Sabbaticals E Carer's leaveChild Care % of\x1fce a Flexible hours of workFlexibleilabilityworking comms and supportJobvasharingPandemic leaveDomestic abuse leavePart time optionsPhased retirementPurchase LeaveReligious and Ceremonial LeaveReturn from leave concessionsStudy leaveRemote working tools and systemsTime in lieuUnpaid leaveHeadcount: 65 (FTE)Floor Area: 1,393m2 Volunteer leavePOLICY FPA Patent Attorneys is an independent, top tier, Australian based, private incorporated 183 WEEKS WEEKS 100%PAID PARENTAL LEAVE RETURN TO publicly listed company. We provide expert advice from some of Australias mostBLEOUR COMMUNITYregistered attorney firm that is wholly owned by QANTM Intellectual Property Limited, aR I TA G I VPRIMARY SECONDARY WORK AFTER A ICARER CARER PARENTAL experienced patent attorneys on the creation, management, enforcement andINITIATIVES: N SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: HLEAVEcommercialisation of intellectual property rights, including patents and designs. CCharitable Foundation G Corporate donationsFPA supports an outreach program forExternal events and appealsInternal appeals anddisadvantaged homeless people in the community collectionsWorkplace givingthrough charitable donations from staff.RIS L V O L U N matchingWorkplace giving CT / K A T programs The firm provides every employee with one day of OUR GOVERNANCE D U M G INITIATIVES: paid leave per year to undertake work with a N A L E E E registered charitable organisation of their choice. O N Blood donationsBoards SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: Charity events and appealsCORPORATE The firms internal charity fund raising initiative C POLICY A NGeneral CommunityR GIVINGF G VolunteeringHost or leadI N PROGRAM supported victims of bush fire, drought and animal O external eventsOrganisedwelfare in 2020. ONvolunteering activitiesPaid E volunteer time for employees G Parent company matched dollar for dollar internalE M Student tutoring and mentoring fund raising for the Worlds Greatest Shave, D E initiated by our employees.O N IN DEVTCTNON-PROFIT/ PARTICIPATIONCODE OF COMPLAINTS RISK BCP OR COMMUNITY IN NON LEGALCONDUCT & GRIEVANCE MANAGEMENT ERP PARTICIPATIONVOLUNTEERINGTRAINING MECHANISM PLAN STAINA L E G AL PRO B O N N O US RECO N C IU BL O LS AIN M A N E Further E I ATYG I G TH A informationfrom AusLSA ILI R C IB E E The below icons provide limitedD OA P Y MN O L information about the firms legal proN NI P E bono commitment. More extensiveI INITIATIVES:A R P N information is reported by the Australian Pro Cultural awareness trainingU POLICYT T Bono Centre and on individual firms websites.S N S T STRATEGYIUG MODERN FEDERALS SLAVERY LEGISLATIONPROGRAM PARTICIPATIONIN DEVT IN DEVT IN DEVTIN DEVT PROMOTED107"