b"2020| GENERAL| LANDER & ROGERSMEMBEROUR PEOPLE SIVE W OR K NTAL M USE GAS E OUR ENVIRONMENTSUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:L U P L A NDER EQUALI M E A N A NHO MISSI SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: C C E T Y N INITIATIVES: G E OWe believe that an inclusive workplace,N E G E Nwhere everyone feels valued and can reachI O CitySwitch Green Office E R GROSS SR M Gtheir full potential, is fundamental to ourIGreen Star rated buildings 4-61,103t2.1t/employeeVstarEarth HourWorldEsuccess. We have a long history ofD Environment DayPlastic Free JulyI POLICYinvolvement in health and wellbeing, with aV INITIATIVES: NNABERSWEL ratings beingN 0.00% 0.00% 0.07%EE TREmployer of Choice for Gender Equality undertaken SCOPE 0.77tlong-established Wellness CommitteeSI PUBLISHEDEquitable Briefing CommitmentONE 0.07%(launched in 2008) and a MAX CommitteeTY POLICY(focused on fitness for the mind and body to(CommBar/LCA/etc)International Women's Day support work-life balance), as well as anPOLICY ENV. 53% 0.00%43% 63% 82%Employee Assistance Program.FEMALE FEMALE FEMALE PUBLISHED MANAGEMENTSYSTEM (EMS) SCOPE 583tAt the start of 2020 we were named anGENDERTWO 53%Employer of Choice for Gender Equality. ThePUBLISHED TARGET PARTNERS LEGALNON-LEGAL 0.07 0.00EQUITY t/m2 t/m2firm was recognised for a range of initiativesGICAL W STAFF STAFF E R U S Adesigned to promote gender equalityL O E L P G SCOPE 46% 0.61% 519tthrough pay equity, flexible work practicesO L A E THREE t/empoy 1t/employ 47%B Pand tools, gender neutral parental leaveH INITIATIVES: CERTIFICATION: 1 .0 e e 0 .0 e eopportunities and the promotion of women Psychological support/EAP EOTHER lCFSCNCOS Y I Nto positions of leadership.SMental Health Awareness Week AL WEL 0% NET Mental health first aid training andG I C L 9,692kgAs citation holders, we will continue to workP supportR U OK? Day programs S B E kg/e ycled 1,103t2.1t/employeehard to forge a more gender-balanced Signatory - Minds Count TJMF Guidelines Y I N 1 8 mplo RconINITIATIVES: y e e te c t e n.8world, where we can celebrate everyonesPOLICY HDiscount health insuranceGinclusion, raise awareness against bias, andPErgonomicsFitness and always take action for equality.wellbeing awareness andCYCLINSTAFFpromotionFlu vaccinationsFruitE GInclusive Leadership programs to encouragechecksTeam events participation 2020 AusLSA R OFFICESWe continue to train our senior leaders withPUBLISHED SURVEYSboxesMassagesProactive health being vocal about building a diverse and Work based physical fitness SUSTAINABILITY PROFILE100% 100%inclusive workforce, behaviours whichPOLICYsupport psychological safety and challenging systems that hinder an inclusiveLE W OR Kenvironment. Ultimately, we want to create aI B P L SURVEYS100% 100%STAFF workplace where everyone feels safe to beE X A PUBLISHEDthemselves and express their point of view. L INITIATIVES: C EFCareer break/Sabbaticals % of\x1fce a Carer's leaveFlexible hoursvailabilityof workJob sharingPart time optionsPurchase LeaveStudy leaveRemote working tools and systemsTime in lieuUnpaid leave POLICY Headcount: 515 (FTE)Floor Area: 8,097m2203 WEEKS WEEKS 95%PAID PARENTAL LEAVE RETURN TO Lander & Rogers is a leading independent Australian law firm operating nationally fromR ATEPRIMARY SECONDARY WORK AFTER Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. We are proud to be the trusted advisor to manyG OUR COMMUNITYPUBLISHED CARER CARER PARENTAL O I VLEAVE publicly listed and private Australian companies, Australian subsidiaries of globalPR IINITIATIVES: N SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: companies as well as all levels of government.OCorporate donationsWe have around 500 staff nationally, seven broad areas of practice, and we cover aCExternal events andGappealsInternal appeals range of industry sectors, with a focus on financial services, insurance, government,and collectionsWorkplace infrastructure, real estate and retail and supply chain.giving matchingWorkplace CT / RIS We believe that legal services are much more than just the law - they are aboutA L V O L U N giving programsOUR GOVERNANCE D U K M great people, sustained excellence and exceptional client service.G INITIATIVES: T 25%N A E EWe have a reputation in the legal market as a provider of premium legalLBlood donationsBoards EO NSUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: Charity events and appeals CORPORATE PARTICIPATIONC POLICY A services, and as a sought after employer. We are renowned in Australia General Community Volunteering R GIVING IN CORPORATEN IOrganised volunteering activitiesPaidPROGRAM GIVINGWe aim to be an industry leader inF G for our down-to-earth and friendly workplace culture. volunteer time for employees NOO Gimplementing sustainable business practices Secondments to NGOsSkilled that enhance our community andN mentoringE volunteeringStudent tutoring and environment. We consider theE Menvironmental, social, ethical and economicD E 65%impacts in all purchasing decisions andO Nensure that suppliers comply with laws andC CODE OF COMPLAINTS RISK BCP OR T COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERINGIN NON LEGALNON-PROFIT/ NON LEGAL PARTICIPATIONregulations and display integrity, socialTRAINING MECHANISM PLAN PARTICIPATION ACTIVITIES VOLUNTEERINGCONDUCT & GRIEVANCE MANAGEMENT ERPresponsibility initiatives and sustainableNAB G AL PRO B O N US RECO N C Ipractices.USTAI M LE L E O N O L IS INA Further ELanders has recently appointed aH A N A information INITIATIVES: AG Tfrom AusLSASustainability and Environment Partner toILITY R C G I I drive and promote sustainable initiatives.A B E Y E The below icons provide limitedDAffirmative procurementOLanders is also committed to adopting 100%N O P L bono commitment. More extensiveN trainingInternship and employmentNP M information about the firms legal proprogramsCultural awareness Irenewable energy, carbon offset and zeroI R P E information is reported by the Australian ProprogramsNAIDOC Week activitieswaste by 2025 a commitment reflected inA NUT T Bono Centre and on individual firms websites.National Reconciliation WeekNon Legal volunteering and secondmentsPro bono our environmental policy.S REPORT N S T STRATEGY supportReconciliation Action Plan IWe are developing robust governance andU MODERN NSW STATE FEDERALCollaboration for reconciliationrisk protocols and policies to reflect ourG PROGRAM PARTICIPATIONPARTICIPATION TARGET MET RAPSSLAVERY LEGISLATION LEGISLATIONPOLICYcommitment led by dedicated personnel inIN DEVT PUBLISHED PRO BONOCENTREthe firm. TARGET INNOVATEACTION PUBLISHED PLAN LEVEL 122"