b'ENVIRONMENT| LEGAL SECTOR| 2021SUSTAINABILITY INSIGHTELECTRICITY EMISSIONSGreenhouse gas from the generation of electricity from fossil fuelsELECTRICITY EMISSIONS is still Australias largest source of emissions although this ratio isTonnes C0 -e per employeeshowing. 2a long-term decline as the proportion of renewables in the electricity mix grows. For the aggregated period of 1990 to 2021, Australians national emissions from electricity accounted for thirty-2.03three percent of the greenhouse gas inventory. 1.79 1.68COVID, however, has altered the consumption of electricity by1.33different sectors. Where commercial demand previously exceeded1.01residential demand, this has now been reversed. In a pre and post COVID comparison in Melbourne, commercial demand decreased by seven percent and residential demand increased by fourteen percent.2017 2018 2019 2021 2021While many CBD buildings were effectively vacant for portions of the year, base buildingelectricity use was still required, and IT centres were still operational.Residential demand increased, as home occupancyhours increased impacting in domestic heating and cooling, lighting, cooking and entertainment systems. Home IT equipment was being used to work remotely. 2021 ELECTRICITY Tonnes C0 -e per employee for all firms22021 AusLSA Member PerformanceThe pausing of air travel during 2021 has altered law firms1.09 greenhouse gas emission profile. Emissions from electricity useAVERAGEnow exceeds travel and this year accounts for eighty-six percent of members gross greenhouse gas emissions. Even though the emissions from electricity has grown as a proportion of members total emissions, office electricity use reduced by twenty-four percent last year and forty percent since0.152.53 COVID began. These reductions can be attributed to low buildingMINIMUM MAXIMUMoccupancy while being available for, centralised IT systems, remote access and emergency workers.68'