b'BACK TO NAVIGATION CODE OF CONDUCTAt Law firms Increasing demands for greater transparency on non-financial performance is permeating businesses around the world and in Australia. Critical suppliers like investors, financiers, insurance companies are all screening their interests sustainability risks that impact on the value and continued viability of their own business. Regulators like the Australian Securities Commission, the Workplace Gender Equality Agency and Border force are requiring greater information and are increasingly holding boards responsible for understanding and managing a wider range of sustainability exposures. And then finally and perhaps most critically law firm customers are also developing standards for firms they wish to work with and setting expectations beyond service levels and price as they expand their sustainability boundaries beyond their own organisations and into their supply chains. They regularly require information on diversity and inclusion, pro bono activity, environmental policy and action and procurement practices during tendering processes and also in regular service reviews. The capacity of the not-for-profit sector to support law firms is growing strongly and an increasing number of law firms are joining these programs help guide their activities and reporting. Examples of NGOs which provide high quality support to law firms include the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Pride in Diversity, Mind Matter, Workplace giving and Reconciliation Australia. All these organisations provide excellent programs for law firms, and all require law firms to collect, report and communicate information on commitment and performance. 2021 AusLSA Member PerformanceAusLSA has responded to the ongoing disruptions created by COVID, by managing more flexible timelines for the submission of sustainability information by AusLSA members. However, the scope and depth of the reporting provided by members has not only been maintained but has expanded since the start of the pandemic to include managing modern slavery risks in supply chains and to report on the use of serviced offices.2021 has been an enormous year for growth in law firms sustainability reporting.Despite the massive interruptions to their businesses and operations, restrictions to records, access and competing operational priorities, this year 93 percent of AusLSA members chose to participate sustainability reporting with 90 percent publicly providing their sustainability report. This is an increase from an already high 85 percent last year. The firms not reporting had only joined AusLSA late in the reporting year and did not have time to participate. Fifty percent of member firms promoted their AusLSA produced report on their own website last year which increased from only twenty-eight percent in 2017 and forty-two percent in 2019. An additional 11 percent of firms have advised they are preparing to publicise their report in 2021.SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING UNDERTAKEN UN Global Compact/SustainableDevelopment Goal progress reportsNSW Sustainability AdvantageProgram reportingInformation about EnvironmentalSustainability commitmentsInformation about CSR/Sustainability commitmentsInformation on EnvironmentalSustainability targets and performanceInformation on CSR/Sustainabilitytargets and performanceStand-alone EnvironmentalSustainability reportStand-alone CSR/Sustainability report0% 20% 40% 60%Perecentage of firms75'