b'2023 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE We recognise the real and pressing environmental challengesOur vision for our pro bono & community work is to enable ourThe Hall & Wilcox Board of Partners (Board) is responsible that we all face, as well as our responsibility to reduce thecommunities to thrive by supporting access to justice, reconciliation,for firm strategy, firm governance, firm clients, firm impact of our business on the environment. equality of opportunity and protecting human rights.This aligns withperformance and risk management. The Board discharges its Our goal is to significantly reduce the production ofthe firms purpose. We do this through using our skills as lawyers viaresponsibility for risk management via the firms Legal greenhouse gases, the depletion of natural resources and thepro bono work, providing mentorship to students fromExcellence & Risk Committee as regards client/legal risks, generation of non-recyclable waste from our businessdisadvantaged schools through our longstanding relationship withand via the COO, the Managing Partner and the firms activities. We do this by making environmentally consciousthe Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN), providingCorporate Services managers as regards all other categories decisions about the operation of our business - an approachcareer opportunities through our First Nations Pathway Program,of risk. Responsibility for individual risks is allocated in thats monitored by our Environment and Sustainabilitysupporting charity partners financially through workplace giving andaccordance with the firms Risk Register, which is maintained Committee, our Managing Partner and our Board. implementing our Reconciliation Action Plan.In FY23 we exceededby the COO and the General Counsel. The Risk Register the National Pro Bono Target, achieving 38.2 hours per lawyer.Inallocates responsibility for business continuity risk to the To achieve this goal, our Board has endorsed two newtotal, we undertook over 19,000 hours of pro bono work.COO, as regards physical risks to building and equipment, environmental performance targets, to achieve a Climateand to the IT Manager, as regards technology risk. The firms Active carbon neutral certification no later than 2025 and toExecutive Leadership Team (ELT) is responsible for complete certification of our Net Zero target and strategycollaborating in leading the firm and its practices. The ELT is against the Science Based Targets initiative corporateresponsible for managing firm operations. Responsibility for standard no later than 2025.managing individual firm policies that govern the conduct of firm personnel is allocated primarily to the relevant Corporate Services manager. Each policy will be overseen by either the Board or the ELT, in conjunction with the relevant firm committee (if applicable), depending on the subject matter of the policyCLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starEnergy efficientINITIATIVES: refits undertakenSpecify energy efficient appliancesTeleconferencing Reconciliation Action PlanCultural awareness trainingNAIDOC Weekfacilities and trainingEarth HourRide to Work DayEnd of tripNational Reconciliation WeekInternships and employmentScholarships and facilitiesEfficient building and lighting automationRenewablestudent mentoringFirst Nations ProcurementPro bono supportVolunteering ElectricityVoluntary Carbon OffsetsEnergy audits in previous twoand secondmentsCollaboration for reconciliationFunding and donations yearsIndigenous Business MonthSupply Nation MembershipCareerTrackers participation SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY GROSS EMISSIONSCHAIN MANAGEMENT788t - 0.93t per employeeNON LEGAL 0% 1.5%VOLUNTEERING %18.5t2.4%INITIATIVES:NFP BoardsOrganised staff volunteeringBlood donationsStudent tutoring 94% 2.9% and mentoringCommunity volunteeringArts supportCPD for communitySUPPLIER STANDARDS COVER: 769t sector lawyersHuman rightsEnvironmental impactsFair labour practices 0 0 98%Fair consumer and competition practicesCommunity development . 8 7t/e y e e . 0 3t/e y e epo poIndigenous inclusionGender equalityModern Slavery m l m lCHARITABLE Diversity and InclusionFraud bribery & corruption 99% 100%GIVING 5.0%UN Global compact and SDGsSUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES: REPORTINGNET EMISSIONSFirm donation programWorkplace givingMatched fundingfor employee 0t - 0t per employee donationsInternal appeals and collectionsExternal charity events and appealsHost external charity eventsREPORTING COVERS: Standalone environmental sustainability reportWebsite - ESG targets LEGALand performance informationWebsite - Environmental sustainability ENVIRONMENTALtargets and performance informationWebsite - ESG commitmentsPRO BONO informationWebsite - Environmental sustainability commitmentsMANAGEMENT informationUN Global compact and SDGsThese icons provide limited information about the INITIATIVES:firms legal pro bono commitment. More extensiveWorld Environment DayOffice green teams information is reported by the Australian Pro Bono Centre and on individual firms websites.Click for further RECYCLING100% 100% 63% 75% information from AusLSA: OFFICESPAPER13,992 83% USAGE 1 6 R e.5kg/e y e e cycledmplcont e ntoINITIATIVES:Green accredited paper purchase specificationFollow me printingRecycled paper purchase specificationPAPER CERTIFICATION:Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certifiedNCOS Certified Carbon NeutralPEFC Australian Forestry standard109'