b'2023 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE BN is dedicated to offering a work environment where people feelWe believe that every organisation must play its role to supported, valued, respected and empowered to thrive in theirreduce its impact on the environment and we strive for more careers. Throughout the firms expansion, our positive culture andsustainable work practices. BN aims to minimise our values have remained at the forefront of everything we do. Ourenvironmental impact and reduce the carbon footprint of our people describe our culture as approachable, down-to earth, friendlybusiness though a range of environmental initiatives and the and welcoming. ongoing development of our sustainability program Our 3 year firm strategy (2023-25) contains key objectives centredframework.around people including having high staff engagement, low turnover,Our offices currently address these impacts through: a diverse & inclusive culture, as well as identifying and supporting ourdouble-sided printing, paper-lite programs, energy efficient next generation of leaders.Some specific goals are an engagementlights, sensor lighting, recycling of IT waste including score at or above 75% and a 40:40:20 gender target at leadershipcomputers and toner cartridges, recycling boxes throughout level. the office, green waste and recycling bins. As a national firm with six offices throughout Australia, we further minimise our Our efforts in the people space have been recognised by our listingcarbon footprint through increasing use of video and as an Employer of Choice by Australasian Lawyer from 2019 - 2022. teleconferencing technologies, while opening up and This award judges our performance across 11 key areas including:improving communications between offices. BN is committed training & professional development, D&I, work-life balance, health &to making the environment a bigger part of the conversation wellbeing, and reward & recognition.by encouraging staff to share ideas about what further steps Some people related initiatives we have in place include: remotecan be taken at a national and office level to develop and working options, a 9.5 day fortnight for full-time staff, a health &encourage adherence to our sustainability objectives.Barry.Nilsson.Lawyers wellbeing leave day and yearly allowance, a performance bonus available to all staff, shared care parental leave, public holiday swap Headcount:218 (FTE) policy and LinkedIn Learning licences. Floor Area:6,734m2Number of Offices : 6 GENDER40% 61% 81% 79% CLIMATEEQUALITY ACTIONBarry.Nilsson. (BN) is a national law firm specialising in Insurance & Health andINITIATIVES: INITIATIVES: TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starSpecify energy Family & Estate Planning. As a firm, International Womens DayLCA Diversity and Inclusion CharterEquitableefficient appliancesTeleconferencing facilities and trainingECO-Buy and individually, we recognise ourbriefing pledge (e.g. CommBar/LCA)Host or lead external programs and/Earth HourRide to Work DayEnd of trip facilitiesNABERSs Energy or forumsFemale advancement, mentoring and coachingTraining - GenderRatingEfficient building and lighting automationForced computer obligation to contribute positively to theawareness unconscious biasInternal D&I networks or committeesLSNSWshutdowncommunities in which we live and conductCharter - Advancement of WomenEqual pay controlsour business, and our national growth hasGROSS EMISSIONSprovided the opportunity to expand ourINCLUSIVE529t - 2.4t per employee positive social impact. We live our values WORKPLACE 42% 0%of trustworthiness, dedication, excellence224tand loyalty through all that we do, andBUILDINGS 42%view socially responsible behaviour asINITIATIVES:0.0m 23t/good business practice and an enlightened Recruitment and promotion for D&IInternal D&I networks or committees way to live and work. We seek to foster an LCA Diversity and Inclusion CharterExternal D&I programs and/or forums0.47% 56%hostingTraining - Awareness and unconscious biasStaff Surveys - D&ITRAVEL 305tenvironment that values and encourages Membership - Pride in DiversityTraining - LGBTQ+ awarenessIDAHOBIT58%diversity, respects social and cultural1 .3t/e e eploy Wear it Purple DayInternal LGBTQ+ networks or committeesm Pro bono supportTraining - LGBTQ+ awarenessGender pronouns promotion differences and provides everyone with Mardi Grasequal opportunity to achieve theirCARBON12.7%full potential. We are proud of our proOFFSETS & bono practice and responsible businessFLEXIBLE18.0 18.0 100% RENEWABLESprogram, The Impact Project, which WORKPLACEencourages and facilitates a firm-wideNET EMISSIONSculture of making a positive difference529t - 2.4t per employeeINITIATIVES: through our chosen partnerships. We do Flexible work hoursPart time optionsJob sharingRemote working tools and this through four streams: pro bono;systemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leaveStudy leavePurchased leaveCareer breaksPhased retirementAdjustedENVIRONMENTAL community giving; environment &KPIs after absencesSabbaticalsBonus leaveDomestic violence leaveMANAGEMENTsustainability; and reconciliation. PSYCHOLOGICALINITIATIVES: BN recognises these initiatives as a vital World Environment DayOffice green teams aspect of the firms social responsibility, WELLBEINGCitySwitch Green Officeculture and identity.INITIATIVES:RECYCLING100% Minds Count -TJMF GuidelinesR U OK? programPsychological support/ EAPMental health first aid training and supportMental Health Awareness Week OFFICES Training - Mental health awareness and managementDomestic violence strategyPHYSICALPAPERWELLBEINGUSAGEINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programFollow me printingRecycled paper purchase INITIATIVES:specification Ergonomics programProactive health checksFlu vaccinationsInternalPAPER CERTIFICATION: exercise sessionsTeam eventsMassagesWellness awareness and promotion Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certifiedNCOS Certified CarbonOnsite fruit and healthy cateringErgonomics program - offsiteHealth EAP NeutralPEFC Australian Forestry standard'