b'BACK TO NAVIGATIONengagement by leadership, employees, and stakeholders and more meaningful connections with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. One-to-many types of engagement events are common in many law firms but can be superficial if they are not part of a deeper set of engagements.Participation in business and employment is a key element that drives sustainable self-sufficiency for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families and communities. Indigenous people, like many minority groups, are underrepresented in the legal profession and its supply chain. The National Profile of Solicitors 2021 Report conducted by the NSW Law Society found that the percentage of the profession nationally self-identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people has reduced from 1.2 per cent to only 0.8 per cent in comparison with 3.4 per cent in the general population. This may be a factor of fewer graduate lawyers, inequality in recruitment or perhaps because fewer Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lawyers are choosing to self-identify. Law firms should consider increasing cultural learning, safety and awareness within organisations to increase First Nations employees to self-identify as well as encouraging First Nations peoples to want to choose law as a career.Law firms investments in nurturing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal talent can be improved to provide more attractive opportunities for First Australian Lawyers. Deeper, more immersive programs that include more continuous and progressive pathways including scholarships, vacation placements, internships, clerkships, graduate programs and lawyer development programs will lead to higher levels of engagement by participants. Firms can increase the opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to apply for and serve firm internships, by holding ongoing recruitment and staggering program times, rather than the narrow peak recruitment windows and setting more flexible timeframes for deployments.Increasingly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses are providing supplier diversity through competitive goods and services that are used by law firms and other businesses. But for these businesses to grow and increase their range of products and services further they need increased demand and support from businesses like law firms. Supply Nation is the leading directory for Indigenous owned businesses and is endorsed by the Australian Government. Reconciliation Action Plans have a positive effect in workplaces and improve a firms chances of achieving the objectives of relationships, respect and opportunities and implementing and measuring practical actions. All organisations should plan and implement their reconciliation support in a strategic and clear way. This will allow them to identify the best opportunities to contribute to reconciliation that align with their skills and capacities with a focus on impact. Firms who are still starting out should revisit their commitments and research Reconciliation Action Plans further. Reconciliation Australia resources are a great place to start, including Why have a RAP and weekly webinars that provide an overview of Reconciliation Action and relevant networks. Partners with higher level Stretch and Elevate Reconciliation Action Plans also have unique experience and skills to play a leadership role in the broader legal reconciliation network. These firms can lead collaboration within the legal sector and beyond including participation in RAP training and capacity building.61'